Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blog-Older Child Adoption

If you have adopted an older child (age 5 and up) or are thinking of doing so, there is someone starting a new blog that may be helpful to you.

There is hope with this blog to connect AP parents and PAP. The goal is to present realistic experiences of families with older adopted children. There will be some resources and stories for you to check out and add to. This blogspot is hoping people will share what helped in their journey of the adoption, Ex. Specific resources-books,websites,blogs, etc. The blog will represent children and families from all over the world and if it makes families more comfortable they can share under an alias. Here is the link to check it out: I think this is a great idea for support to each other along with helping PAP’s make an informed decision about the older child that they desire to bring home. If you desire to participate in the blog you can contact Kerri at:

1 comment:

Emily Brown said...

Adopting an orphaned child is a noble cause and can make a significant difference in the lives of orphan children. However, it’s a lengthy and complicated process. There are a million things that potential parents need to consider and know about.
If you’re looking to adopt an orphaned child, get in touch with the Orphan Life Foundation.
They're an international non-profit organization committed to improving and enriching the lives of homeless and parentless child numbers in Africa. Help to secure their future in whatever way you can.