It was just around the corner from my hotel so I took a walk. Church service was supposed to be telecasted live throughout Germany so they had huge TV trucks outside the church. It was very cold that morning. Before the service began they had rehearsal and all kinds of preparatory work underway. Service supposed to last for 42 minutes and it was on the dot. Picture below is the inside of the church sanctuary.
Unfortunately the entire service was in German language and they didn’t have translators so I couldn’t follow the service except for making sense of what is happening by watching the movements of people. I was also trying to figure out how the TV crew works. There had four rolling cameras and they were so careful not to disrupt any of the church proceedings.
I sat with a lady I gotten to know during the Jubilee (Ellen) celebration and she spoke fairly good English. After the church service, we had snacks for all the invitees. There I met lot of Indians who are connected to KNH. Also met some Indians there who were like me (came up in life with KNH help).
All in all, it was a nice and quiet morning. By now, it got warmed up so joggers and bikers were out on the street. As I started walking back to my hotel this crazy thoughts crossed my mind. 47 years from now (50 years by then), how will the organization that two of my friends and I have started in India now? Before my mind could get cluttered with these thoughts anymore I was glad I reached my hotel room. It was a pretty boring afternoon.
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