Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Message close to the heart

Yesterday my girls celebrated their school annual day and both of them were actively involved in their respective class programs. They had been practicing for the past few weeks and last night it all went flawlessly.

I knew all along what program they are involved in – at least that’s what I thought. My little one – Lily, was in a skit where they dramatized about the life of Mr. George Muller. If you’re unfamiliar with Mr. Muller, he was a Christian Missionary in England who ran an orphanage purely on God’s grace. Mr. Muller would simply pray for his providence.

Lily’s class had dramatized about the day when orphanage didn’t have any food and the children were seated for food. He simply prayed to God for His grace, and by the time they finished praying, they had two groups of people, one bringing loaves of bread and another bringing cans of milk since they had more than they needed for the day.

All along Lily had told me that she is a reporter in the skit but only last night I realized that she was not the reporter but she is one of the children in the orphanage who asks Mr. Muller a question. It really wouldn’t have mattered what role she played but I thought the play that she acted in was so meaningful to our family and to Lily especially that it touched my heart.

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