Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Explorer that I didnt know

Today we went to attend a function where there is thick foliage and greenery. My kids never sit in one place for more than two minutes so I took them out on a walk through this wooded area. This is my first time that I had been in a place like this all by myself with my girls.

This is one of the dry plants with red seeds
that Lydia plucked from the woods.

As we started walking down the muddy road, my older one – Lydia, started to tell me how much she loves nature and not like so many cars and people in town. As we went deeper, she noticed lot of colorful butterflies, and green bushes and trees. My little one – Lily looked back and realized that we have come too far and she started to ask me to take her back to Mommy.

Lydia saw bugs, and garden lizards that she literally wanted to touch them with bare hands and Daddy was freaking out. We listened to the crickets’ noise and she was not afraid to go into the thorny bushes to pluck leaves. We saw Eucalyptus trees and smelled the fragrance of its leaves.

As we were walking down, we noticed tombs out there with crosses on them. I remember as a child, if I see a tomb in an isolated place, I would run faster than any human on this planet but my Lydia had no problem to sit on the tomb to clear the dry leaves to read the names on the tombstones.

During the whole time, my little one wanted to go back and Lydia was not a happy camper because she was enjoying the woods. Before we left the place Lydia got me to promise her that I’ll bring her again to this place. I knew all along that she is a hands on child but now I know that she is a nature lover also. I am pleasantly surprised and not complaining. Time to go into a real forest.


Nirmala said...

Ruby, You must be one proud father that day. I remember, as child how I bonded with my father when we moved into a new house. That particular house had huge vacant land but it was full of stones and thorny bushes. I wonder how people lived there before. So my father and I toiled for 6-8 months before we made it into a garden. Every day we would get up at 5 am and work till 7.30 am.

I recently went back to the town that I grew up (my hubby's relatives also live there and we both went visiting them). I took him to show the places where I grew and trust me it wasnt a pleasent sight. I still remeber stading infront of that house (as I went after a long time I didnt know any neighbours also) quietly as everything had been cut and its kinda barren land again.

huh....... But I still remember the days I spent with my dad and we both still talk about it.

Anonymous said...

your writing brought tears to my eyes. reminded me of my childhood too. i long for the day when i will have this pleasure.