Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Friday, August 01, 2008

India Trip- Day 10

Today we went to visit another orphanage. This one has is own farm, bakery, and school. Even the general public can come to their school, the kids here seem shy and sweet. We toured the place and were served tea and biscuits. We bought some bags of biscuits from them as we realized that we had been eating these same ones, that they make, right at the guest house. I put mine in my purse to carry, I hope they are not a crumbled mess by the time I get back to the states.

Some of us from the group took a rest while some of us went back to the hospital who had missed it before. We had requested to buy some necklaces we had seen being made by some of the village ladies that we had met. So, they dropped off a bag for us to look at and choose from. After our rest we went to the HOPE House to play with the girls one last time, to say our good-byes to them as tomorrow we would be heading out. It was a sad time to know that we would be back here no more and we had to get the girls up and playing games so that everyone could dry their tears, and ease the saddness before we left. The time has gone really really fast this week. We had a special supper tonight at our host's house. I can't believe this time is already at an end, but I think we did accomplish what we set out to do.

Ok, I have to lighten the mood on here so I will tell you some more things I love about India. You can buy things at your door because people go up and down your street on bikes selling things, all the way from meat and milk to brooms and pots. They call out and/or ring bells to let you know they are passing. And there is such a welcoming feeling here that somehow you just feel a part of the place while you are here.

I finally saw some monkeys here on Tuesday(yesterday). We were outside in the HOPE House courtyard playing with the girls and some monkeys ran by. I quickly got my camera and they were running down the street, they jumped up on someone's wall and ran down it. Our friends here said that if you have a fruit tree that the monkeys will climb it and take the fruit, so they cut the trees down. They have to use slingshots to get the monkeys to leave. The monkeys only have to see you holding one and off they run. I suppose on a day to day basis they could be annoying, but it was sure fun to see them while visiting.

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