Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Travel kit for the inter-country adopters

When you travel to India to pick up your child, do you know what all you need to take with you? If it is first time that you or your family coming to India, there are certain things that you should be aware. Hard and fast rule of international travel is to travel light yet containing everything that you, your family and the child that you want to adopt need.

My wife and I put this list together. If you want to add something, please feel free to add in the comments section.

A backpack: Come with a good backpack, which can also be used as a diaper bag. It is suggested not to come with a diaper bag because unlike backpack it cannot free your hands. If you have to, come with a smaller diaper bag.

Snugli (baby carrying bag): This will keep your hands free when you travel.

Over the counter medicines: Come prepared with age appropriate OTC medicines for your child for common ailments. Medicines that are available in India for children are not so child friendly and also the risk of adulterated medicines being sold are high.

Travel size baby shampoo, body lotion, wash clothes (onesies) and bibs.

Formula: It is advisable that you use the same formula that the orphanage may have used till you reach home lest you risk upsetting your child’s tummy.

Baby socks for travel.

Camera: Bring a small digital camera that has the option to shoot still photos as well as to record video clips. Bring also some extra batteries and memory card.

Come with one or two noisemaking toys.

You can pretty much get everything but the quality of products that you get here is in question. So whatever you may buy that needs to be consumed or applied on your body, you would be better off bringing it from home.

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