Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bengalis are artistic

When my older girl was two years old, one day we were visiting an Indian grocery store and there we saw an Indian elderly lady came by to talk to us and to tell us how pretty my daughter is!! Somehow during the conversation, we ended up sharing about our daughter’s adoption and she was delighted because my daughter and this lady are from the state of West Bengal in India.

She told us something then that my wife and I decided not to forget. She told us that Bengali’s are very artistic and we should encourage our daughter in that field.

Our child had always been a good painter and she wants to be a painting teacher. Yesterday grandparents gave her a piano and we couldn’t believe her natural talent to pick music notes. She just played “Jingle Bells” and “Happy Birthday”. I gave her a big high five and told her to pursue music along with her interest in painting.

She said this: “Daddy I want to do so many things like painting, playing a piano, ballet dancing, horse riding, and flying a plane and don’t know what to do”? I was quite surprised at her imagination to know that my baby is very creative so I encouraged her to pursue one at a time. Neither of us are into art so for my daughter to have that inclination towards art, it got to be more to do with her genetics than her upbringing.

I’ve heard this from many Bengali’s that they are naturally artistic. I am glad that she is a Bengali and I am not complaining.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This was so great to read. I wish that the little one excel in all the things she loves.
