Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

What is HOPE House? (Part 1)

The HOPE House (HH) is a registered charitable trust working in the state of Tamilnadu of India. It began as a flicker in one Indian family in the US that spread to few other NRI’s as a fire and now it is becoming a guiding light to many.

‘HOPE’ in the HOPE House is an acronym that stands for ‘Helping Orphans to Prevail in Everything” taking care of orphan, semi-orphan, and disadvantaged girls that need care and protection. HH is located in Vellore in Tamilnadu and currently caring for 14 girls.

HOPE House believes in optimizing every resource that is available to provide for the children. All the girls attend public school system where they receive school uniforms, schoolbooks, and school lunch at no cost. HH has four staff out of which two are in-house (living with the children) and they are required to eat the same food at the same time as children.

In a long run, HOPE House would like to promote adoption by placing children in homes through adoption. In the state of Tamilnadu, a new NGO has to wait for three years before they are given license to promote adoptions. We will complete three years in 2008. Apart from doing adoptions, we also engage in “advocacy” for the cause of adoption in India. To fulfill the advocacy objective we maintain a team weblog which is updated almost on a daily basis, conduct free adoption seminars, create adoption related handouts, giving suggestions to make adoption friendly legislations, and engaging common citizens to advocate for the cause of adoption in India.


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