Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Monday, November 26, 2007

High Court stops adoption in New Delhi.

Ingenious yet illegal ways to adopt a child in India doesn’t surprise me anymore. People want a child no matter what will go to any length or breadth. Lately adoption abuses have been receiving a great deal of flak in the media (rightfully so) and people are getting afraid but not given up to attempt their twisted strategies.

Following is a story published in the Hindu newspaper on 23of this month. It is a clear case where Prospective Adoptive Parents are alleged to have committed one mistake to cover the other and at the end they have burnt their hands. If anyone out there thinking to adopt a child through illegal means must know this: If you get caught, you’ll be drained emotionally and financially but if you don’t, you’ll be living in the darkness of illegal adoption for the rest of your life. So please don’t.

Click here to read the Hindu newspaper article


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