Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Do not pay any more than you should for your adoption

5 don'ts of adoption

Part # 4

Unfortunately placing a child in adoption also has its own costs. Adoption agency receives the child and cares for the same till someone like you comes forward to adopt him or her. They (adoption agencies) have no other way to support themselves than to charge you for the expenses that they had incurred.

Unfortunately the amount that’s been charged by the agencies to the parents has become a contentious issue. There are few unscrupulous agencies that charge you an arm and a leg by exploiting the vulnerability of the prospective adoptive parents. There are allegations of agencies threatening the parents not to give the child in case of non-payment.

So how much should you pay?

As per Central Adoption Resource Agency (CARA) of India guidelines, here is the break down of costs for reimbursement to an agency as

· Registration: Rs. 200/-
· Home study: Rs.1000/-
· Maintenance: Rs. 50/- per day from the day of accepting the referral with a maximum cap of Rs. 15,000/-
· Medical expense reimbursement: Maximum limit of Rs.9,000/- upon submission of original receipts.

Please bear in mind that this above breakdown does not include your travel, lodging, boarding, and legal expenses.

How do you calculate your maintenance fee? Let’s use this example:

· Child was brought to the adoption agency on January 1st 2007
· You had accepted this child for adoption on February 1st, 2007
· Taken the child home April 1st, 2007.

You will calculate the amount at the rate of 50 rupees/ day for the entire month of February and March. So it will be 59 days X 50 rupees.

If agency is able to provide any receipts for the medical expenses, you are expected to reimburse those expenses up to Rs. 9000/-.

All in all, your maximum expenses to reimburse the agency should not be any more than Rs. 24,200/- (add all the maximum expenses to come this number). You must resist any attempt to pay any more than Rs. 24,200/-


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Les2Points said...
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