Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Searching for birth relatives (Part 1)

Today we are starting a new series that is often difficult and painful yet relevant and helpful to our children. It is called called "Searching for birth relatives". As this topic is big, it is broken down to help you read in parts. It will have a link on the home page if you ever like to read the entire article. Read on:
Searching for Birth Relatives

While interest among adopted persons in finding their birth families has always been high, the percentage of adult adopted persons who take action to initiate a search appears to be on the rise. This trend is accompanied by a growing interest on the part of many birth parents in searching for their (now) adult children who were placed for adoption many years earlier. The expanding number of organizations that advocate searching for birth relatives and provide advice and resources for doing so indicate both increased interest in and acceptance of this process. New legislation in some States permits more access to birth information, and new technology has the potential to make the searching process faster. A recent study shows that adopted persons are more likely to seek out information about their birth families now than in the past (Harris Interactive Market Research, 2002). And a study that reviewed estimates abroad and in the United States suggests that 50 percent of all adopted persons search at some point in their lives (Muller & Perry, 2001a).

This article is to provide some guidance on the search process and information access, as well as resources for further help in conducting a successful search. This article is designed to address the concerns of both adopted persons who are searching for birth parents or other birth relatives, as well as birth parents (both mothers and fathers) who want to locate a child who was adopted. While not a complete "how to" guide to searching, this factsheet provides information on:

  1. The decision to search
  2. Steps in the search process
  3. Hiring a professional searcher
  4. International searching
  5. Reunion issues

Information provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Sciences.

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