Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Learn N Earn

HOPE House, for the first time, joining hands with GiveIndia to observe "Joy of Giving" week from October 2nd to 8th, 2011. Here are the details about how we plan to celebrate.

Hope House (HH) girls have a library of their own and they have many books on home based science experiments. About a year ago, two of our girls did an experiment to turn a real egg into a rubber egg as a science experiment. We recorded it and put it on a laptop for them to demonstrate it at their school after obtaining permission from the school Principal.

Even after more than a year, they still remember the experiment. This is encouraging other girls to learn that what you learn by hands on and by demonstrating to teach to others helps to remember better. Since then, many girls have done small time home based science experiments.

Now we want to take it to the next level. October 2nd to 8th is observed as the “Joy of Giving” week where one can give for any cause of their choice. What we are doing is this: All the girls are encouraged to demonstrate as many science experiments as they possibly can and each experiment will win them 100 rupees which in turn will be donated to the HH.

You can experience the joy of giving at the HH on October 8th @ 6:00 PM where our girls will showcase their experiments. If this encourages you to support the girls, please donate towards their prize money which in turn will be donated to the HH. You also will get a tax deductable receipt. We plan to ask the neighborhood children to join the HH girls so that more under privileged children develop interest in science.

If you live away from Vellore, kindly donate through our site at and state in the comments section about your designation for “Learn n Earn” project so that the girls will know how much money they have raised for the HH.

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