Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Me Too

What do you do when someone you love is hurting and you don’t know how to go about fixing it and don’t even know if you can?
In honor of National poem month here is my poem I am submitting. Please join me in submitting one of your own.

Me Too

Who is she?

Why couldn’t she keep me?

She didn’t want me?

What does she look like?

Is she small?

She is all by herself now?

Does she have another baby?

Does she live in a house?

Maybe a house is on her.

Parent heart is breaking now as you look into your daughter’s eyes and try to answer these questions.

We don’t know, honey.

I’m sure she wanted you very much, but wasn’t able to care for you. (Your heart breaks as your child tells you these words aren’t true)

We want you.

Would you like to see her someday? Me too.

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