Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Looking at the photos

We were getting ready to renew Lydia’s American passport and one of the requirements is to show a series of photos taken from the issuance of last passport to now. Well… we pulled out all the photo boxes to choose the appropriate ones to be taken with us.

I have seen most of the photos before hand but the one that my wife showed me was a brand new one and I had not seen. This is a picture that was taken this year during the school annual day program for getting an academic excellence award from the Chief Guest.

I see/ touch her everyday and play with her on a day to day basis but I wasn’t prepared to see my baby grown up tall and looking so beautiful in her school uniform. As soon as my wife heard me whisper to myself “Oh my…” she wanted to know what happened and then I told her about my thoughts.

She gave me some other pictures that I had seen before (taken few years ago) and asked me to compare and she is not the same – no chubby cheeks or mischievous eyes. For some reason I felt I ought to be doing this more often to see my kids how they are growing. I don’t think digital photos can do justice adequately.

I just can’t wait for my baby to come home to see in close up to see if I need an ophthalmology check up or if she has grown right in front of my eyes that I missed noticing.

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