I have read that in India parents are really really lenient with their smallest youngsters.
And then they toughen up on them after they hit the school years or are in the middle school years. If I am wrong please correct me. I am curious then how they discipline the younger ones if they feel the child may be in danger if they don't. Ex.: The child runs into the street. I am sure the parents watch the kids closely, but we all know how fast kids can be and that accidents can happen and the child could end up making their way out there.
How would a situation like this likely be handled by most people.
I talked to a AA lady once and the culture for discipling their children here in the
U.S. was so different from where I live that it makes me curious how it goes in India.
Anyone care to share?
Lynda, I think most of the Indian parents would shout at the kid. However I (Indian parent too) would first make sure that the kid is safe and then talk to her and tell her why we think it is not good for the kid. I am hopeful the kid would understand immediately.
I think that is a very relevant observation Lynda. I share Pratik's opinion - many parents would shout a the kid or even whack, depending on the danger involved. Very few would actually explain the situation in detail. I would try and talk to my daughter; if she repaeats the dangerous behaviour I would first tell her sternly that she should stop and then explain the consequences.
In other situations - for example, teaching her the importance of sharing while playing with friends - I wait till we are alone and then explain to her, often using role play etc. Lynda, I do feel that Indian parents are more tolerant to certain kinds of "indiscipline" - for instance, shouting in public places, not eating on their own or making a mess with food. The general attitude is that they'll learn as they grow up.
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