Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

My thoughts for this Saturday

As we celebrate father's day, I want to share a few of my thoughts on what I thought about my baby girl in a poem that I had written sometime in 2002. Here it is:

My baby girl.....

My baby girl....
She was not even born when we made the decision to adopt,
It was a collective decision of both of us to have a girl
andit is well worth it.

My baby girl....
was two months old when we said 'yes' and took thirteen months alltogether,
process was not painful but the wait was, but at the end
it was well worth the wait.

My baby girl....
arrived on a bright sunny morning by an escort from India,
according to some of her co-passengers, she was an "entertainer"
filled our hearts with unimaginable amount of joy to turn our lives upside down for good
Our joy was worth having her in our arms.

My baby girl....
her body couldn't handle the jet lag well and slept for 36 hours straight,
only waking up for feeding and changing. When she finally woke up,
our lives became like machines
it was worth doing things for her.

My baby girl....
made us realize how much we are needed for each other to have her
and made our family complete.
it is worth having a family.

My bay girl....
grew up so fast to be 20 months old now,
runs, jumps, and screams etc, developing a personality of her own.
it is worth seeing her grow.

My baby girl....
waits for me to come home at the door and clings on to my legs to crawl on to me,
gives me little kisses and hugs to tell me how much she misses me when I am gone,
it's worth coming home

My baby girl....
when she called me 'Daddy' for the first time,
that was an experienceI cannot explain,I do not know the difference,
but it felt good and awesome to be a dad for the first time.
want to be a worthy dad.

My baby girl....
When I look deep into my little angel's eyes,
I see something that chokes me up,
I see more and more children like her who are abandoned and unwanted,
I cannot help but to think about them often,
It's worth thinking about

Have a poem to share? [Click here] to send it

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