Do you know this?

There are approximately 18000 parents registered with CARA, while the number of children in the Government's adoption pool is less 1800.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Going to Tulsa

Today we are going to Tulsa, OK to attend Dillon fall festival. The primary reason we are going for this is for Lidia to get to know few adoptees from India and make friends with them. We are also volunteering to run a booth to sell cookbooks for these 10 fabulous women who are trying with innovative ways to raise money (such as selling cook books) to adopt a child from International destinations. None of them live close to Tulsa and since we are going there anyway, we volunteered to do this for them. We hope we can sell lots of books for them to adopt their forever children sooner than later.

We started off at 7:40 AM and reached around 4:00 PM. It was raining all the way but the drive was ok. Dolly and Lydia had such a good time playing with each other, singing together and doing all the fun things.

We felt bad to leave Chase at home and it was so cute to see Lydia talk to him before we left and telling him to behave and not to bother Harriett (our neighbour) who is going to take care of him when we are gone.

I was so tired after we checked into the hotel, I slept off for about an hour. Worked on the web site for a while and talked to my good friend, Sharin for a while about our ministry in India.

Tomorrow the weather looks great. Can't wait to go to the festival and start selling those cookbooks.


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